Your business needs a front end (on the web).

We design your proof of concept in actual, interactive HTML. You'll be confident knowing that what you see is what you will get. Any following front-end App Development will begin faster as a result. Win-win!

Chariot Development also builds confidence in your brand by designing your unique site to be fast, attractive, and clutter-free, reducing your visitor's stress.

Proactive 1 on 1 communication

Work with Chariot Development daily, one on one. You will be chatting with us to actively exchange feedback on themes, item placement, and overall look and feel during the entire process.

Prototype Layouts Faster

Because we start the process by writing your actual website from the get-go, the designs can be tested and tweaked on multiple devices and screen sizes. How nice would it be if you could walk the layout of your house before the contractors even set the foundation?

Not only do we pride ourselves in writing custom stylesheets from scratch, but we can also save you time and money by utilizing existing libraries such as Bootstrap to save you time and money instead.

SPA's and Front-End Development

SPA's (or Single Page Apps) have become more common on the web, and for a good reason! They make it easier to maintain your front-end and back-end code independently. Also, having a SPA front-end can make your website feel more responsive and modern.

The drawbacks with a SPA to consider are the added complexity, time, and cost. We will gladly discuss whether developing your website as a SPA is a suitable choice for you.

Why Chariot?

Perhaps you've visited a mobile site but experienced lag, element movement, and pop-in? How did it make you feel? Like many, you probably moved onto the next business on your list.

Chariot Development uses only the technologies that benefit your business application; potentially, making maintenance more accessible and development costs lower.

Finally, with a positive web experience, your audience is more likely to return and stay in touch.


    What is the difference between Web Design and Web Development?
  • Typically, web design is the process of designing the appearance of a site, how-ever it may sometimes include web development.
  • Web development is the actual work of scripting code and programming functionality into the front end of your website.
    Can I bring in my own graphics designer?
  • We encourage you to have a graphics designer to handle your visual assets such as logos, photography, etc.
  • If you do not have a graphics designer, we can recommend one:
    • Nick Kidd - Expert brand designer; logos, colors and typography.

Full Stack Development

At Chariot Development, we are capable of handling your entire project from the top down.

From the design and development of your front-end to programming the back-end, API, and manipulating databases with server-side code that brings your application to life.


Chariot Host

Chariot Host is a professional, high-performance service for hosting and managing websites & business applications on the world wide web.

Chariot Development customers who choose to serve their content through Chariot Host experience perks such as a managed server and additional professional help from us.

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